It's the beginning of 2016 and we are looking ahead for what we're going to do, our plans, and the agenda for action. The subject for this lecture is of vital importance, it's the power to be a prophet, the power to be a shaman.

Now it would be wonderful if you could just wake up one morning and say "Oh I'd like to be a prophet." Wouldn't that be nice? But unfortunately, it's a bit more complicated than that. Yes it is. And to go where we want to go is a huge task: to influence the entire future of the world. That's a rather big goal. So with a big goal, there's a big price.


Now the power is to tap into the collective unconscious. Jung was not a very coherent writer, but his concept of the collective unconscious is very real and you can tap into it depending upon your religious point of view (you can call it God, you can call it Allah, whatever you want to call). But it's like what Helen Keller, who was deaf, dumb and blind, was asked when they finally got through to her, "What do you feel about God." She replied, "I always knew he was there, I just didn't know his name."

So we're talking about long-term realities, and it is a reality, we're not talking about "pie­in­the­sky." Because without the collective unconscious, there is no power to do what we need to do.


Now the power is spirituality. The power is the ability to lead your life in a way where you can unleash the spirituality - the subconscious message - throughout the world. You have to lead your life in a certain disciplined way to do that. If you're all caught up with the nonsense (and really malevolent nonsense) of a totally sick society such as America, you're not going to go anywhere. You're going to be constantly interrupted, constantly distracted, getting tangled up into fights, and you're going to be blocked from doing what you need to do. Your spiritual energy is going to be dissipated.


That's why if you study the religious history of the world, people talk about meditation, and the purpose of meditation is to clear the mind and focus the mind. The mind can play tricks on you. Your emotions can play tricks on you. You can get angry about something that's not important and then you can get all tangled up in all sorts of disputes. And all this ends up being sterile.


To put this in sexual terms, it is important to be fertile, not sterile, and we are a very fertile organization. We create. We have the power of creation within us. We have the magic within us, and it is important to preserve that magic, to preserve the flame.


Now this raises very serious questions about the degree which we would be involved in day-to-day politics in America. A field which is not very likely to produce anything useful, and unfortunately as of this lecture, this matter is not a hundred percent cleared up. But the important point is we need to focus on putting out the message and being in a position to put out the message. Now there are virtuous circles in life. A virtuous circle is the more we focus on something like Nature's Political Revolution, the more we learn. One of the reasons that I have paid a very bloody price to do a lot of what we do is the issue of time. The world order is getting older and the storm is approaching. So it's important to do things, and postponing doing things is worse than doing things because postponing doing things means you postpone learning how to do things. There's a virtuous circle that as you study something like Nature's Political Revolution, things click in your head that you previously hadn't thought about, and that remains the goal for 2016, and filling in the blanks and putting that together.


We should probably study other great works in history and if you look at those works they're not all neat and pretty. History is a ruthless and brutal process. So we should study those things and learn from them and that will help us go forward.


But the concluding part of this lecture is keeping alive the flame. How do you lead your life in a way where you could generate the maximum spiritual power? Because that's what it is. That's the ghost in the machine. That's the spirit that will go through the broadband pipes of the global Internet and activate people all around the world. And the whole website is designed as a catalyst.


We are not and cannot be the be­all and end­all. But we can be a very powerful catalyst, yes we can, of setting other people in motion around the world and it's important to think politically in terms of the end product being our lecture on the Emperor. The Emperor is the focal point of reform as such people have always been in a time of crisis and whether they'll be one Emperor or more than one emperor is a very interesting question as to how thing sort themselves out around the world.


But we are thinking particularly in terms of Europe and in terms of the evolution of a united Europe and this is not to be a pleasant process, but that would be the focal point of reform.


As in any revolution, there is a revolutionary leader: Lenin, Hitler, Castro, Mao. A lot of these things have a very grim result, but the point is that a lot of these things are focused around a leader and we want to focus on reaching that leader. Yes that leader (or those leaders) is almost certainly alive today and our goal is to reach that person (or persons).

So that's the end of this part of the lecture, but there will be more to come for 2016.