
Nature is truth itself. It is a natural order that has lasted billions of years.

Yet we have deviated from nature's laws and now live in a synthetic system built on false truths and fallacies.

Time is like a spring, it can only be pushed so far in one direction, before it snaps back in another.

We have racked up enormous debts against the environment. When the debt collector comes, the toll to pay will be an ocean of human blood.




Rome, in its day, was a highly successful and advanced empire that lasted for almost 1,000 years. Part of the success of the Roman Empire is that they were largely tolerant of the different beliefs, Gods and systems of those they conquered (not to say that slavery, war, rape, oppression and torture didn’t happen), but that the Roman Empire survived because they didn’t completely annihilate the cultures, beliefs and diversity of their subjects (with Carthage as the exception to the rule of course).

For example, even though the Romans were a polytheistic culture, when they conquered the Hebrews, they allowed the Hebrews to run their own courts and set up their own laws – as long as the Romans were paid a tribute at the end of the day.

The Romans also appropriated the Gods of the people they conquered. Epona is a Gallic Horse Goddess that Roman Calvary Members began to worship after Gallic men joined Roman Ranks.

This was the Pagan World: A world of different ideologies that more or less coexisted with one another.

The stories of Romans throwing Christians to the lions is a highly exaggerated affair and religious persecutions were a rare event.




"When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations...then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy." (Deuteronomy 7:1-2, NIV. 1). "Do not leave alive anything that breaths. Completely destroy them...as the Lord your God has commanded you..." (Deuteronomy 20:16, NIV. 1).

When the Christians came to power, they tried to enforce a monotheistic ideology on a diverse empire that stretched from the British Isles to Turkey. They burned Pagan temples, they tortured and killed those who did not subscribe to their ideology – even other Christians. They unleashed a religious reign of terror unseen in the Ancient World.

Eighty years after converting to Christianity, the Roman Empire began to fall apart. The forced conversion to Christianity in 395 AD marked the fate of the Western World for the next 1,000 years. (And arguably still very much effects the Western World today).

Western Europe descended into a Dark Age. During this period, much of the grandeur in terms of technology and culture that marked Rome went down the tubes. Several bloody conflicts over religion marked the age: crusades, the inquisition and witch hunts. Eventually between the 13th and the 14th century the Black Death happened. It was a massive plague epidemic that killed up to a third of Europe’s population. The survivors of this devastation began to lose faith in Christianity as an authority.

Christianity split into different sects: the Roman Catholic Church and Protestantism. A Thirty Years war was fought (1618-1648). So great was the destruction in this war, that anywhere from 25% to 40% of the population in the German States was killed off.

You can imagine that after a millenia of religious conflict, the Europeans began to grow sick of Religion. It was shortly after the period of Catholic and Protestant fighting that the Enlightenment began in the 17th and 18th century.  Rationality, science and objectivity were grasped as the antithesis of a world dominated by faith. The basilica of Science was seen as a refuge against the tyranny of religion and thus the Modern World in the West began. Much of America’s founding fathers were Deists (and many were even atheists).

It is in this period that Democracy as a Political ideology emerged. Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution were born. Objective science and rationalism helped create machines that forever revolutionized human existence – ushering many humans from the country side into factories and cities.

Religion did not die as a force of power in the Western World. Far from it.



From the beginning of modernity to the present, it was thought that Science, Industrialization and Progress via Machines was the inevitable course for the whole planet and the entirety of humanity. Democracy has been the main vehicle of the Industrial System (although Communism and Fascism made their push for progress as well). It was thought that the ideas of Rationality would be a beacon of light in a world dominated by the dark savagery of nature – that if the ideas of Industrial Age could take over, we’d live in a harmonious world order that clicked like clock work.

It was believed that it was OKAY for machines and humans to destroy all other forms of life on the planet – as long as the ends justified the means.

Much like it was okay for Christians to destroy all other Non-Christians.

However, we will get to the point where we will no longer be able to sustain ourselves and our insatiable hunger for consumer goods, when we finish destroying all nature on the planet. Eventually, like an all-consuming snake, we’ll be forced to destroy each other. We’ll fight bloody wars over simple resources.

It is important to note here that the Industrial, Modern age of Science is NOT the antithesis of Christianity. Rather, the age of Christianity made it POSSIBLE for this Industrial world to be created. It is highly relevant that the Industrial World emerged in the world's Christianized Lands: North America and Europe. It was only later that the Industrial Order was exported to the less Christianized countries in Asia.


the financial cliff

With two world wars, an environmental crisis, the worst inequality between rich and poor the world has ever seen and the emptiness of consumer culture – many in our generation are beginning to question the Plutocratic World Order itself. Plutocracy refers to a form of government ruled by the wealthy. Today we live in a world where over 50% of the planet's wealth is owned by less than 1% of the planet's population.

We live in a world crafted by carcasses. Living things are converted into dead things, so the dead things can make more dead things. It is a black hole that is ever consuming.

Any wonder why zombie movies are so popular in this age? Art is a mimicry of internal reality. Zombie Land is where we’re headed.

This World Order has failed and now we are living in a transition period – a period in which people are spiritually starving and grasping for new meaning. Some are returning to religion. The 20th and 21st century has seen a rise in religious extremism via Protestant Christianity, Orthodox Judaism and Radical Islam. However, this is simply a return to the systems that spawned this disaster in the first place.

Then there are those who are returning to Paganism. There has been a rapid return to Earth Based Ideology around the globe. Yet the number who call themselves “pagans” in name is still pretty small. Larger is the number who say that they are “spiritual, but not religious.” Growing also are the numbers who recognize nature as an authority over the current system of materialism.

And then there are those who lose themselves to consumer culture as the solution.

But this synthetic consumer world is about to be washed away in the bloody tidal wave of what is to come.



So what does the future hold?

Let us look at a trend:

  1. The number of humans is rapidly expanding. 
  2. The number of resources is rapidly dwindling.
  3. As the value of human life declines, humans will become an expendable resource in the blood economy.

The hardcore fact is that the wealthiest members of society no longer need a majority of the people on the planet. This is a completely new development in history. Even a wealthy noble in the Middle Ages depended upon the poorest of Serfs to farm food. Yet now this relation of inter-dependence between rich and poor is becoming laughably obsolete. Machines will eventually do the labor of society’s poorest – and even middle class – members. As technology progresses, a majority of human beings on the planet will be useless for the planet’s rich elite – a liability even! In fact, many humans will be little more than a cockroach infestation, a pest that needs to be exterminated.

The wealthy will turn groups against one another, and incite massive wars over resources in order to deal with the “human” problem. I suppose you could call this World War III, the Dark Ages or the Apocalypse.

Yet all will not be cherries and ice-cream for the wealthy either. Extreme climate change and resource depletion will cause the wealthy to increasingly horde the dwindling resources that they do have, and eventually the frustrated masses will rise against them. Much like Robespierre’s Bloody Revolution in France.

Massive numbers of people will die because of dramatic climate change, due to hunger, plague and pestilence.

Many will believe that this will be the “apocalypse” foreseen by the bible. Those who benefit from the apocalyptic havoc will push this idea as an inevitable reality – so few try to rise against it.

Already in the American Government, we see influential Christian Extremists having wet dreams of war with Iran  or even Russia. This biblical fulfillment of the tribes of Israel fighting the tribes of Moab (replaced presently by Iran) will result in a sea of blood and supposed redemption for “true believers.” According to biblical prophesy, Christians are supposed to be whisked away into paradise while the rest of us are left to endure the tribulations of the apocalypse. They think they will get to sit in the golden beaches of splendor sipping martinis with Jesus while the majority of humanity endures an agony and torment worse than death (or something like that).

When paradise fails to materialize, as a fall out, the lingering hopes in Christian redemption will collapse in the blood bath it created. Much like the Dark Ages in Europe, there will be a swift departure from the Status Quo and a development of a new society.

There will be a new horizon for humanity.



valkyrie rides a horse


All the values that define the Plutocratic World Order will be hated for the mess they have created. We're talking about the obsession with wealth, self indulgence and the reckless destruction of nature.

Yet an ancient sun will shine over the blood spattered landscape. This will not be the end, but the start of  a new beginning. This will not be the Christian Apocalypse, but it will be the Norse Ragnarok: a bloody war of the Gods that results in a new beginning for the Earth. The ouroboros will consume itself, but then give birth to new life.

The Blood Economy will only stop when the survivors rise up to destroy those damaging the planet: much like a vengeful son who kills the man abusing his mother. The Blood Economy will only stop when a righteous authority figure rises to power in order to piece a broken world back together. This authority figure is represented by a heroic individual embracing the crown of nature's power. In some ancient cultures, a king was required to sexually satisfy a priestess who personfied the Goddess of the Earth before a crowd of onlookers. Only a man who was capable of satisfying the Earth was capable of being King (A Brief History of Religious Sex). While it may be doubtful that something like this specifically would occur, it is probable that the leader to emerge will revere the brutal power of nature.

Only when the eternal truths connect to the highest level of authority will we pass through an age of chaos and darkness.

Those who survive this Blood Fest will create a cult of reverence for the Earth. This will not be a peaceful, New Age, hippy religion. This will be a militant regime that will punish the perceived culprits of “World War III”, much like the Germans were brutally punished for World War I and World War II.

Who will be the scapegoats of the new world order? This will be much like the French Revolution. The wealthy who presided over the current destruction will be blamed and killed to the satisfaction of the masses.

A Spartan ideology will take hold. Those who are useful will survive. The frivolous will be destroyed. That which holds meaning will be celebrated. That which is irrelevant will be a waste of time. And those who are a waste of time will be eradicated, since they will be perceived as a deadly threat to survival.

Technology will survive, but its development will be slow. It will be used to organize the masses for the purpose of restoring the planet to a place where life can thrive.

Brutal dictatorships will emerge over a militarized society. These dictators will be brutal lords of the Earth, because they will have no other choice. They will reassert Nature's Laws in order to survive. Nature's Laws are the wolf ripping out the throat of its prey. They are vicious "kill or be killed" mantras of survival. In the aftermath of the Blood Economy, billions will be dead and harsh decisions will be necessary for keeping order.

Such a bloody course is not necessary if we are willing to make drastic sacrifices and intense reforms of our current system. Yet if we cannot come to a peaceful reform, fate will step in to restore balance - whether we like it or not.