Gender isn't a topic taken too lightly by our beloved politicians. They are mostly supporters of the only system that they can grasp: male or female, there is no in-between or second guessing. And if you don't fall into one of those categories (or at least pretend to act like one for the comfort of the general public), you are damn near considered an enemy of the state, or worse - - threat to American family values! Oh, heaven knows we all want to be good wholesome Americans, even if it means putting our true sexuality on the backburner and playing whatever role is necessary to avoid harassment! But wait... if gender is such an important idea for these politicians and religious bigots to protect, how is it that one of the main bodies of water in the DC area, the Potomac River, has produced mass amounts of intersex or bi-gendered fish? Is this a way of our local politicians secretly pronouncing their acceptance of different sexes or genderless beings? How sweet of them! They could have just made an announcement, but it seems they went for making a much bolder statement. By taking zero legislative initiative and allowing the Potomac to remain a cesspool of unidentifiable pollutants, the government gave a nice big green light for species to undergo gender-reassignment that they did not sign up for.

Here is a little background before we delve into the mysterious world of underwater gender changes. The Potomac River is the fourth largest on the east coast of the United States, and also happens to be one of the most polluted in the country. For being a prime watershed that is so close to the nation's capital, it sure doesn't receive the attention that it should from policymakers. In a study from 2012, the river was named as the nation's most endangered river, offering dangerous drinking water and deadly conditions for marine life (Washington Post). The Potomac, unfortunately, has a long history of neglect that started in the 19th century. As early as 1914, the waste from hundreds of thousands of DC residents was carried to the river (Potomac Timeline). The study of the river in that same year reported that the water quality was in "generally good condition." How is it possible that water contaminated with chemical and biological pollutants was deemed, in any way, to be in good condition? Well, for one, the environmental agencies of the country do not have such a good track record when it comes to keeping tabs on chemicals.

For over 30 years now, the Environmental Protection Agency has practiced extreme carelessness when it comes to monitoring harmful chemicals for both human beings and wildlife. In 2009, a report was released by the Government Accountability Office stating that the EPA does not possess enough knowledge to properly assess whether or not a certain chemical poses health risks (Journal Sentinel). As a result of years of this ongoing, incompetent system, the amount of pollutants and chemicals in our air, water, and our own blood are off the charts. Given the fact that the EPA has only been able to successfully ban 5 substances (New York Times), it is frightening to imagine how much danger truly exists in bodies of water that have suffered from runoff, such as the Potomac. The threat that the water of the Potomac poses to humans is bad enough, but what seems to really remain unaddressed is the health risks it creates for fish and marine life. Fish living (or dying) in the Potomac don't just get ill from the amount of chemicals that they are forced to swim through. Some have experienced very startling transformations, specifically, changing gender.

In 2003, it was discovered that the Potomac contained large numbers of intersex fish. The lines between gender were blurred by such discoveries as male fish found to be carrying eggs (National Geographic). The discovery was made after researchers tested the water in attempts to find out what had been causing the large amounts of fish die-offs. Since then, more light has been shed on the phenomenon. While, in some species of fish, it is perfectly natural to change genders at least once (Evolution FAQ), the situation surrounding the Potomac River has been found to be everything but organic. In reality, high levels of pollution - including the presence of endocrine disrupters and sex-changing chemicals - are to blame for the gender-misplaced fish. Fish have been found in the Potomac that were unable to be categorized, as they contained characteristics of both genders. The fish didn't simply have a change of heart, they are victims of exposure to chemicals from substances like flame retardants, pesticides, and personal care products like shampoo (Reuters). A 2007 sample of the smallmouth bass populations of the Potomac found that all of the fish contained at least one endocrine-disrupting chemical, even the fish who were not intersex. The endocrine-disrupters are known to cause birth defects and hormonal changes, which explains why many male fish were found to have female attributes.

Wow, a being whose gender is completely indefinable with an identity that people cannot easily label - - sounds like a right-winger's dream! Obviously, the government was too embarrassed to just come out and say, "Hey! We're no longer one-sided, religiously biased assholes! We love all genders, sexualities and identities!" So, instead, they just decided to quietly neglect the task of finding out which chemicals contributed to the gender changes in local fish, and allow this newfound "miracle" of nature to keep on giving. In 2009, scientists in West Virginia had samples of tissue from Potomac in their labs and ready to test. However, Uncle Sam seemingly forgot to give these curious kids their allowance for the project, and there was no funding available to put the mystery of the gender-swapping fish to rest (Washington Post). Perhaps our politicians swept the entire issue under the carpet in hopes that the water would have the same effect on human beings. Just imagine how many happy, successful congressman would be thrilled to finally wake up as the woman they always knew they were, or vice-versa!

Seriously, the lack of initiative in addressing this Potomac issue is not just leaving the fish in a state of chaos. What are the effects of these unknown pollutants on the human body? Will local men step forward with their newly discovered pregnancies? In a news article, Thomas Jacobus, an employee of the Washington Aqueduct, was quoted saying, "There is no indication that people should not drink the water. (PW Mag)" As the affected fish did not speak up and argue with this quote, it appears our politicians missed the threat aspect to human life.