
Attack the head of the dragon rather than the claws.

There is nothing more powerful to the truth, and nothing more danerous than half the truth.

The Real enemy and the Perceived Enemy


The Real Future Ahead

The State of Denial

The Real Future vs the Fake Future

Realistic Hope vs. False Optimism

Neither party wants to face reality.. grim choices as a result of past actions.

Grim costs of delusion

What is the real future ahead versus the fake future?

There are grim consequences for our leaders having unrealistic views,

and for not taking the responsibility to articulate what needs to be done to make the harsh changes necessary for the real future ahead.


Judgment over Life and Death

The Haves and the Have Nots


Life Boat Ethics

Today's leaders promise us a future where everyone can have this great utopia if they just work hard enough or cooperate.

But this is a lie. The real future will require someone to make grim decisions about life and death.

Who gets to live and who must die? This is where the Emperor steps in.


The Emperor's Role

Human Rights vs Human Responsibilities

Human Rights vs Nature's Laws (Connect this with Democracy)

The need to sweep aside democracy to put in place needed solutions

Human rights are not inalienable. They are not God given. If a majority of "the people" support solutions that destroy life on this planet, then "the people" will lose their rights.

It is time to focus on what man's responsibility is to the planet, and what must be done for the human race to survive nature's coming wrath.


Guidance for Artists and Prophets

Education is just as much about learning, as unlearning the B.S. of the American School system.

Motivating people to be creative

Power to create

Artists have a powerful role today in using their work to reach into the subconscious and wake people up.

They must wake people up to the truths of our world, this is their divine responsibility.