People like to talk about human rights, but what about human responsibility?

People like to talk about the sanctity of life, but what about the millions of life forms humans have killed on this planet?

We live in a society where ideas such as democracy and human rights are treated like a religion, but there is one law, an eternal law, that stands above the laws of men.

And that is nature's laws. Nature is truth. It is an eternal life force that is billions of years old. It is time itself.

The politicians may have the clocks, but nature has the time.

If humanity wants to survive, it needs to align itself with nature's laws.

For we are a blip on the radar. Our existence is a mere drop in the oceans of time. But have no illusion. Nature laws are a brutal system. A system that divides life from death and the sick from the healthy.

If this sick system that humanity is presiding over today wants to survive, then we need drastic change. We need radical, revolutionary ideologies that will allow man to live on this planet in a sane manner.

But if we cannot do that, then nature will provide the solution, whether humans like it or not.