At this point in your campaign you still have not released a clear foreign policy agenda. As far as the public knows, you will be to the left of Hillary Clinton, but we need more specifics than that. Here are a few questions below:



Who are you going to listen to on foreign policy? How will your organize your foreign policy process?” In other words, how and with whom will you take control of the government’s vast foreign policy and national security apparatus?

Source: Yahoo



Even though you are anti-interventionist, we know that you did vote in favor of authorizing the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that now? Do you think that was a good decision? Do you think American troops have made progress in stabilizing the region? When do you think we should pull out of Afghanistan completely?

You are against authorizing military force against the extremist group that calls itself 'The Islamic State.' How do you propose we deal with this threat? In terms of Syria in general, do you think we should continue to support the Civil War against Assad (even though the majority of the Syrian people support Assad) or do you think we should stop intervening? You have demanded that regional powers like Saudi Arabia take a bigger role in the military campaign. What exactly do you want them to do?

Under Obama, America has become increasingly hostile towards Russia. What would be your policy towards Russia? Would we continue to intervene in Ukraine?

Obama's 2011 Attack on Libya (World Future Fund)

Obama's Attack on Syria (World Future Fund)

Obama's Drone Attacks (World Future Fund)



America currently spends some $600 billion on its military budget while it is drowning in debt. Would you cut military spending? What programs would you divert this spending towards?



When NATO was founded Europe was in ruins. A giant and dangerous Soviet empire threatened to take over the entire continent. American made a correct and absolutely vital decision to send troops and military aid to western Europe. However, this was never supposed to be a permanent arrangement. Once Europe got back on its feet, most American troops were supposed to return home, and Europe was supposed to make an equal commitment to its defense. Unfortunately, this never happened. Today this situation that is costing American tax payers tens of billions of dollars as fabulously rich nations, such as Germany, the third largest economy on earth, spend almost 50% less than America does on defense as a share of their GNP. In other words they are making 50% less of a sacrifice than U.S. citizens, while NATO Europe as whole spends 40% less.

So are you going to ask Germany to pay their fair share? Are you going to ask these other European nations to start paying their fair share?


NATO: Time For a Shared Sacrifice (World Future Fund)

RIDICULOUS MILITARY SPENDING: 12 Facts That Show America Can't Afford To Police The World Anymore (Business Insider, 12-13-10)    

America’s staggering defense budget, in charts (Washington Post, 1-7-13)

Correcting The Pentagon's Distorted Budget History (TIME, 7-16-13)