On this page I'm trying to highlight text and audios that we haven't used too much, and need to use in other things.


*OUR PLANET, OUR FUTURE (Kristina) (Previous Audio for Coming Storm Video, Not on Web)

Look around you. How many things in your site can you say are organic - natural? Nearly nothing. But although as a race we tend to ignore it, nature is an Omni present force that is not taking our actions lightly. Nor is it blind to what is going on. Nature and its elements: fire, air, water, earth - individually are more powerful than any weapon that we could ever create. A natural disaster could cause more carnage, more bloodshed, than a single war. And that's nothing to be taken lightly.

Reality is nothing like what they told you. Not every person on this earth is here to live the same false "American Dream." If a dream means to be a prisoner of school for about 20 years before landing a job that will barely pay for you to live, breathe, and eat and you still end up in debt after retirement, that's not the kind of dream that I want to be part of.

I want to be a part of a revolution and this is the start of a return to our origins. As our technology has advanced, and we have grown more connected, we've also grown further and further from the truth - from our origins from our beginnings.

We treat this planet like a coloring book in which you can scribble all over it, rip out a page and start over. But time, and everything that surrounds us naturally, is nothing to be played with. These are resources that we can never get back. Change is possible. Reverse is possible and it may happen peacefully, but if it can't we have to do what we have to do. We cannot run this planet into the ground even further than it is. There is all this talk of heaven and hell afterlife. We are in hell and if we don't change there will be more hell to pay.



Our focus and goals for the new year. Revolutionary ideology vs saving today's political system?




Now the power is to tap into the collective unconscious. Jung was not a very coherent writer, but his concept of the collective unconscious is very real and you can tap into it depending upon your religious point of view (you can call it God, you can call it Allah, whatever you want to call). But it's like what Helen Keller, who was deaf, dumb and blind, was asked when they finally got through to her, "What do you feel about God." She replied, "I always knew he was there, I just didn't know his name."

So we're talking about long-term realities, and it is a reality, we're not talking about "pie­in­the­sky." Because without the collective unconscious, there is no power to do what we need to do.


Now the power is spirituality. The power is the ability to lead your life in a way where you can unleash the spirituality - the subconscious message - throughout the world. You have to lead your life in a certain disciplined way to do that. If you're all caught up with the nonsense (and really malevolent nonsense) of a totally sick society such as America, you're not going to go anywhere. You're going to be constantly interrupted, constantly distracted, getting tangled up into fights, and you're going to be blocked from doing what you need to do. Your spiritual energy is going to be dissipated.


That's why if you study the religious history of the world, people talk about meditation, and the purpose of meditation is to clear the mind and focus the mind. The mind can play tricks on you. Your emotions can play tricks on you. You can get angry about something that's not important and then you can get all tangled up in all sorts of disputes. And all this ends up being sterile.


To put this in sexual terms, it is important to be fertile, not sterile, and we are a very fertile organization. We create. We have the power of creation within us. We have the magic within us, and it is important to preserve that magic, to preserve the flame.


WINTER 2016 - CREATIVITY (Audio Mp3 on Primeval Void)

Creativity doesn't just happen. One must live a creative and disciplined life in order to keep the creativity flowing. How can we keep creative? How can other people in this toxic society keep creative?



We at Underground Web World have creativity. To put the matter in sexual terms it's a question of sterility or fertility, and we have fertility. We have the power to create. In ancient China is the discussion of the term Qi - energy, and there is also a great discussion in Asian religions about discipline. You have to lead your life in a certain way. You have to keep negative influences out. That's extremely important. Creativity doesn't just happen. You have to be able to focus your mind on what you're doing and you have to be able to put creative stuff into your mind. If you fill your mind with garbage you're going to have garbage inside your head and when you create you probably aren't going to be very fertile, you are probably going to be sterilized by the toxic nature of American society. Just as the toxic nature of American society for some men reduces sperm counts, so too does the toxic psychological and spiritual nature of American society lead to sterility in the world of creativity, in the arts, literature and philosophy.So it's important to read creative stuff and we feel we have good lists of creative art, music and philosophy on our website. Yes we do. And immersing yourself in that will create a fertile situation in your soul and in your mind for creating great work.



A discussion of brave individuals in the past who spoke out,

and the need for brave people to speak out today.




Now getting back to today, what is important is to show people the power of the ability to tell the truth. For this we pick two people: Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Soviet Union and Martin Luther in Renaissance Germany. You ask yourself what's the risk for you speaking out? What's your risk? What are you so afraid of? In the Soviet Union they had a totalitarian state, massive torture chambers and so and. Solzhenitsyn was just a nobody. He was in nobody and in a concentration camp and one day he thought he would finally commit suicide. He was in such a state of despair and a voice came into his head which said, "Today no one can hear you, but tomorrow the world will hear you." And this man had the courage to stand up against the largest dictatorship in the world, and eventually publish works that help bring down to the unthinkable - bring down the entire system. So the truth matters. Now another example of the truth was Martin Luther in Renaissance Germany. While the risks of speaking out in Renaissance Germany were large, the people have realized the full madhouse of the church control of life in throughout Europe going up until the time of the French Revolution. If you spoke out against the church, you could be tortured to death. But Luther is a guy who is a complete nobody, a complete nobody among a Wittenberg tinker twin town off in the middle of nowhere in Saxony. One day he just goes and sticks of series of protest notes on the door of his church. This set off a revolution that rocked all of Europe to its very foundations. Now why did these things work? Because they were true.


Now here in America today we have seen a portent of what's to come, specifically the Bernie Sanders campaign. My establishment Democratic friends laugh themselves blue in the face when Sanders announced his candidacy. Why...they thought this was the biggest joke you ever had, Sanders running for president was the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen. But Sanders represented important truths about the destruction of the middle class, the crisis of the middle class that the establishment didn't want to discuss because the establishment of the Democratic Party has been more or less been receiving funding since the 1980s from big business and they put out the rubbish and big business ideas about how everything going so great. Obama puts out his rubbish about how the economy is just fine and so on and so forth and that is a very malevolent reason why this is put out and sticks to its to reduce descendents instrument key people going along with the plutocratic structured it's ruining everybody's lives so on Sanders put forth a different point of view and his campaign was successful beyond anybody's wildest dreams so you see that's that's the point there's there's a power in the truth now what's going to be happening in coming years is the whole Craddock system is going to fall apart as as prophetic voices like Chris Hedges and Cornell West to bury correctly predicted and it's going to be it is and it's going to become increasingly harder for the plutocrats at the top of the system to pretend that everything is just fine with us prophetic voices are to become more and more powerful and that that comes back to us because we can become more and more powerful by positioning ourselves as prophetic voices particularly our ability to reach out to the underground reach out to future radical leaders were going to come to power on the ashes of the current situation that we believe in fate and everyone who has a responsibility to speak out needs to speak out it's the concept of all if you are if you do not speak out and you know what's wrong that you bear the responsibility for what's happening you see you do that



We need to conclude this lecture with the concept of what's safe and what's not safe run systems try to convince people that the same thing to do is to go along with gone you can have a nice job go along you can get promoted go on y'all be safe go along we've got money for your kids someone and so on and so forth but here's the deal suppose you're in a boat in the middle of the river and up ahead you can hear the door of the waterfall and you can see the sea sky and this is no more River now sticking with the status quo on talking to the captain that maybe you can get a raise doesn't really matter will obviously it doesn't because you need to get that boat ashore ASAP and that's where we're at right now the idea that you're going to have a safe little life by going on with these people were running things is absurd they are not going to be able to save your ass their grip on this planet is slipping and when elites collapse as they did in the French Revolution as they did in the Russian Revolution one of the reasons why they collapse is there no longer able to protect the people they claim to be protecting that's right so people no longer have anything to lose by standing up and fighting were not at that point but we are approaching the point and that's an important point to keep in mind what was the safety and going along with the status quo some people say why I got kids I I got a raise my kids I don't want to speak out at what what kind of future your kids going to have with these lunatics running things will obviously a nightmare so if you have kids you actually have greater interest in speaking out that you don't have kids societies always try to set up a system of rewards and punishments to keep themselves in power it's as old as history but things are coming to a turning point in American history yes they are and there is the issue of faith there is the issue of judgment and justice people who speak out on the truth you may fail you may get executed it's no guarantee of success

The success of Luther was to a large extent based on the failure of John Haas John has previously spoke out very articulately with the Catholic Church he was betrayed by politicians in power in his day so like a modern establishment liberals and he was turned over to the Catholic Church and execute but his courage laying the groundwork for what was to come the protesters at Kingman Square were in many ways very naïve and unrealistic but they are sacrifice was not in vain because there was a very important visitor in China at that point Mikhail Gorbachev and he was so horrified by what happened that he determined not to resist the protesters in Europe in 1989 setting the stage for the total and complete collapse of the Soviet Union to the protesters in in Nam Kingman Square in 1989 in China did not bring down their regime but they did bring down the other communist giant in the world yes they did so there's an issue of faith is an issue of judgment if you stand up you are given power by fate yes you are likewise if you try to go along with the doom system what does that say about you if you were aware of what's wrong and you failed to speak out do you not have a retribution on you do you not have bad karma in your life that was through what's safe what's not safe the current system isn't going to be able to save you that's a basic fact so you've got to start standing up and fighting back we have resources on our website that shows you what to do, and they are read be enlightened that's the end of this lecture


REAL EDUCATION FOR NATURE'S REVOLUTION (Audio uploaded to Primeval Void)

Al recorded this audio after while we were working on our Reading Guide and Guide for Prophets.

This is a discussion about a real education about the real future that is coming.

Those in charge want you to believe that their system is a safe bet, but look at the financial crisis, this system is a pyramid of debt.

Nature represents the future - the real future ahead. So we are inspiring people to join nature's side, and be on the winning side of history.


(attach the page that is connected to this)




So what to do? Two words: fight back. Does that mean you should become violent and do something drastic? We are opposed to violence in the near term, it would be very counterproductive. Though we think in the long run - or maybe not in the long run, maybe in the next couple years, this will become violent and violence will be inevitable on all sides. That's where things are headed. Yet right now violence would be disastrously counterproductive.


Right now is a struggle for the mind. The great philosopher of war, Sun Tzu said war is the battle for the mind. If you control the enemy's mind, you have won the war. So that's an important point to keep in mind. So we communicate ideas. We communicate ideas about respect for nature. We communicate ideas about a view of the natural world. We communicate ideas about a natural view of sexuality, as opposed to the perverted view of Christianity that is the status quo. These are realities, and these are the inevitable future of what's coming. Christianity as a dominant world religion is only 200 years old. Beyond that, it was a complete disaster as a religion, which wrecked the Roman Empire, and unleashed a reign of terror of the likes of which the world has never seen. So that's not a traditional value.


The emergence of pre-Christian religions, primeval values, is a difficult world to get into because so much of the official record was destroyed by the Christians first when they took over the West, and second in their rampant campaign of imperialism around world. So it's an element of the subconscious. It is an element of music and art. But it's coming, it's like the wind, you may not be able to see it, but you can feel it, and people are going to participate in the restoration of the natural world. Now when this happens, there's going to be a very large number of casualties, because when the system crashes, billions of people are going to be killed off. So you need to keep that in your head in terms of where things are going.



Incorated into Jessica's writings on malevolent America in NPR (click here to see section)

The political pathology and madness of America.




There are different structures of genocide in history. The historical structure of genocide is to force people off their land, because land is a source of life and when force people off their land they tend to be a lot fewer of them. They tend to die, which was the basic modus operandi, the basic method of American genocide. Hitler saw America as the model for what he wanted to do in his plan for the conquest of Russia. Whether he would've adopted a system that was as brutal as America...who knows...we really don't know. He was never able to implement that, but the whole point was the dislocation of local populations and the importation of populations from Germany.

There are two structures of imperialism in the Western world. One is what you might call settler imperialism, such as America, Israel, South Africa where you have huge settler population move in and displace local populations and what you might refer to is just simple colonialism such as the British temporary conquest of India, when you have a colonial elite imposed on a particular country, which would control that country militarily and so on.

Hitler's plans as we mentioned were based on settler imperialism, his model was America. The Nuremberg trials have to be one of the most ludicrous events in modern history where the Nazis were condemned for failing to carry out the kind of genocide that America succeeded in carrying out, but then again hypocrisy and deceit are very much an American tradition going back to the Declaration of Independence with its fraudulent claim that all men are created equal when obviously Native Americans, the victims of the genocide, were certainly not seen as equal and Blacks who were held as slaves were also obviously not seen as equal.


So when you look at America you look at a pathological society. This is a pathology, this is a murderous illness and has been unleashed on the world with very catastrophic consequences. Now there's an old saying that what goes around comes around. You can go back to the ancient Indian concept - ancient Sanskrit concepts of Dharma and Karma. Dharma is God's law, Karma is whether you go forward or backwards.

The concept of God, the concept of a supreme being is evident in a good part of the world's religions. We certainly aren't saying that all religions are the same and that kind of nonsense, but there is a theological construct of justice and this isn't pie-in-the-sky. After people are dead, this is seeing history as a manifestation of fate, divine power, whatever you want to call it. So the violations of these laws by the American pathological madness will produce a counter reaction which is going to be extremely severe.

You also have to discuss the sexual lunacy of America, while this society has been conducting a campaign of genocide in ecocide, there was a wholesale lunatic view that the way you define morality is how people conduct their sex lives with some hypocritical Victorian sexuality, which all in all was a complete lie and also a pathology.

Now pathologies don't end well, they don't, and when all this sorts itself out there's going to be a violent sorting out where people get back to a natural view of life.

It is also very important to filter out of your head the nonsense you were taught in school, that this society works for everybody, nobody's gonna be left behind, everybody has or deserves respect, everybody is going to have a nice life, somehow if you have a positive attitude and go out there and do it - it's going to be okay. That is rubbish. Its absolute nonsense. This is just about as nonsensical as believing that you can continue the ecocide and so on and that's going to have a happy ending.



We are not absolute purists on the issue of censorship but we take a very firm line about the discussion of ideas.

  There should be in our view no limits on the discussion of ideas.



Now let us get to the issue of censorship, particularly the cries for censorship of political speech on YouTube.  Some people are saying that allowing videos that glorify Nazi Germany and terrorists or anybody approving violent actions against the United States is wrong, and these points of view should be censored. It is our view from the study of history and the study of totalitarianism to take a different point of view. Every political system has its strengths and weaknesses.  Democracy has a problem in terms of potentially getting paralyzed, potentially being bought off by big financial interests, which many people see is happening in today's America. Totalitarianism by contrast has a weakness that by the suppression of different ideas and the suppression of open discussion of ideas, the future decision-making power of the state can be seriously damaged and ultimately destroyed so that that state ends up either collapsing or destroying itself. These are asymmetrical conflicts.

Now should we save democracy by adopting the tactics of totalitarianism?

We believe that the open discussion of ideas is critical to the future of America and will get right down to the controversial aspects of this. 

World peace means an open discussion of ideas.

We are not absolute purists on the issue of censorship but we take a very firm line about the discussion of ideas.  There should be in our view no limits on the discussion of ideas.  There is still much to be learned about the phenomenon of totalitarianism in Nazi Germany and the heavy hand of censorship is the last thing that we need. Democracy's strength is its freedom of speech.  If you are going to talk about destroying the freedom of speech to  save democracy, what you're ultimately talking about is destroying democracy in order to save it.  In other words you are talking about destroying democracy.


Political Biology (Al's Web)

Since the 18th century there has been a lot of talk about human rights.

Yet human rights cannot exist without human responsibility.

Today there is a maniacal focus on human rights - but complete neglect for the biological foundations of life on the planet.





There's a disconnect between the miniscule amount of time, and the level of delusion and arrogance of human leaders. So, we can't go on and on about rights. What we have to talk about his responsibilities and the reassertion of those responsibilities as we have defined on our website, with publications such as building a sustainable future of the actions that need to be taken. If those actions are not taken, nature is going to solve problems for people. That's just the basic situation. So, we can't have this excessive infatuation with rights. This was similar to what happened in the Roman Republic, where when the plutocrats seized control of the Roman political system, the whole system failed. And endless efforts to preserve human rights - people like Cicero, so on - were basically a study in self-destruction, which led to ever-unfolding levels of carnage, because there were no rights to defend, because the responsibilities of society were collapsing.

So, again, we need to get back to responsibilities, and that needs to be the number one agenda politically for our planet. There needs to be strong leadership at the highest levels of government, and other influential parts. That's the point. Without that, there is not a future.


The Politics of Biology (Al's web)

This lecture talks about the future of Eugenics, and the role of bio-technology in creating a superior race of beings.




We're going to talk today about a very controversial issue, the issue of race. Let's clarify a number of points here. Throughout history there has been a struggle for power, a struggle for power between tribes, a struggle for power between nations. When one side wins, it often tends to declare itself to be superior. The people who lose obviously aren't too keen about being classified as inferior, so sometimes in a few years - sometimes 100 years later, they'll come back and beat the guys who claimed to be superior and then they'll claim to be superior.


The point is that superiority and inferiority in history are defined by history; they are not defined by intellectual books or what ever. Now at the end of the 19th century, governments run by white males, most of them being democracy had via a ruthless campaign of imperialism, seized control of most of the planet. This led people to have a lot of delusions about white racial superiority. These were reinforced by studies of ancient India begun in the 18th century and accelerated in the 19th century particularly by a French Orientalist by the name of Gobineau and this became an ideology which was quite widespread.


After 1945, in the horrors of Hitler's Holocaust, a lot of people claimed that they had nothing to do with it. This is not true since this concept of white racial superiority that was interpreted in a lot of different ways, including the so-called "benevolent burden of racism" - the "white man's burden" that now that the white man a done this bang up job of running everything he now had a burden for straightening out everybody else and so on and so forth.



We have to look at what happened after these people took over the planet. We've had two disastrous world wars where the white males fought among themselves and that caused their whole imperial structure in terms of direct imperialism to collapse, but direct imperialism was replaced by economic imperialism.

Much more important however was the fact that this set in motion the greatest crisis in human history: the destruction of the biological foundations of life. So if you're really going to step back and talk about inferiority and superiority, white males could possibly be considered the most inferior species the world's ever produced.


Future Ideology (Al's Web)

A look at the real future ahead. A look at the lies told about the future used to prop up global plutocracy.

A look at long term political trends. The rebirth of real traditional values. The violent transformation ahead.




Now, in today's world there's a really macabre - just absolutely macabre - contradiction between the smiley face, sugary rhetoric about how "we're not going to leave anybody behind, everybody's life is going to be wonderful," and the nightmare that is being created by the environmental policies of the current political order. And there's a direct connection, by the way, between the wholesale destruction of the biological foundations of life, and the fairytale, egalitarian view, because in order to prop up the democracies, it is necessary to destroy the environment, to create an unsustainable situation, to prop up an unsustainable world system. We also ought to clarify that, you don't want to say that we're against equal opportunity, we are. But, there is a myth that this system is going to create a wonderful life for everybody, and everybody's going to have a nice time. That's rubbish. What this system is going to create is a ruthless system of the haves and the have-nots, where the have-nots are going to be wiped out, and have their lives destroyed in a truly spectacular manner, that rivals some of the worst butcheries of history. That's the reality behind the sugarcoated smiley face, and the it's a ruthless process and the average person isn't going to have this wonderful life, it's not going to happen.


Now, we have discussed this in our discussions of the green revolution, and other aspects of this. But when we look around every organization, every political movement has to define itself in terms of what can it provide that's unique? What we provide that's unique is the obvious truth that this is going to be a ruthless situation of the haves and have-nots. Now, there's going to be a huge number of people who work in and up getting killed, there's going to be a huge number of people who are going to be given lives that could be considered a hell on earth. So, that's what's going to happen. So, given that that's what's going to happen, what's obviously going to be a part of that is huge levels of violence, huge levels of terror.



Now, under Bush and under Obama, American imperialism has used the excuse that there are so-called "terrorists" out there, non-state actors who are causing trouble, and this has been used as an excuse to accelerate a machinery of state terror, a machinery of totalitarianism masquerading as protecting the citizens, and so on, and so forth. We need to think about the whole issue of terror, that the number of people who've been killed by, shall we say, private sector terrorism in the 20th century is a relatively small number of people, by contrast well over 100 million, and that's probably a very low estimate of people who have been murdered by their own governments. Now, the single biggest mass murderer is the state of China, which Bill Clinton called his "strategic partner," under the reign of Mao. So, the lesson of that is that mass murder is very acceptable, if it is connected to plutocracy. The whole hypocrisy about "never again" about the Nazi Holocaust is just that - hypocrisy. It is not to suggest the Nazis didn't commit terrible crimes, they did. But it is very definitely to suggest that the Nazi crimes pale in comparison to Mao's crimes, and they pale into near total insignificance compared to the tidal wave of death that's coming, that's going to be the very logical result of the plutocratic and American imperialist environmental policies.



We must look at the Copenhagen conference in 2009, particularly in light of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's attempt to try to portray herself as some sort of diplomatic genius, as opposed to the war criminal and diplomatic catastrophe that she was. In Copenhagen, America sabotaged the international climate conference as it sabotaged the Kyoto conference under Bill Clinton in 1997. Hillary Clinton sabotaged the climate conference because she opposed - representing Obama - opposed increasing aid for the poor victims. In fact, the head of the Third World block at Copenhagen made a very precise comment, that the US aid was so low, and so insignificant, it wouldn't even buy the coffins to bury the dead, which is very true, in fact it wouldn't buy a small percentage of the coffins. So, this is the kind of mentality of the ruling elite. It is the kind of mentality of the establishment liberals: people such as Hillary Clinton, people such as Samantha Power, people such as the modern so-called "human rights" movement. Now, the latter point is also a study in the macabre, that the so-called "human rights" movement has now joined forces with the neoconservative imperialists to launch a process of total war and total murder around the world, to enforce their lunatic view of what they consider to be human rights. And totally coincidently, human rights means governments that are friendly to US business, friendly to US imperialism, who agree to have US bases on their soil, yeah, you get the general picture here.






Now we need to discuss what this whole situation opens up, which is it opens up a question of whether we should be doing these mass executions by the issue of money. Should that be the way that we choose who lives and dies? Another question has to be raised, going back to ancient times, relating to some very basic questions here, such as the huge amount of money spent to keep alive birth defects and the celebration of this sort of behavior by institutions such as the Special Olympics. This is a very dubious source of morality and financial priorities when you think of a world in which large numbers of people are going to die. Why should healthy children be killed so that defectives can be kept alive? This is a contradiction of nature, people say "Oh we're doing God's will" well no, not really.


Historically in places like Sparta the children were exposed and the defectives were automatically sorted out, and it's a question of what concept of God these people have. Another issue is the keeping alive of brain-dead elderly patients. Both these trends are using up huge amounts of money in the rich countries and this is connected also to religious delusion. So these are issues that are going to reemerge and are going to be sorted out when the limits of the current system occur and nature intervenes and reverses the contradictions of the current system


Now as the real future opposed to the fairytale fake future unfolds we're going to discuss some basic political trends. Let's think about this, in the real future billions of people are going find out that their services are no longer needed. There is no happy little future for them and so forth. But it's going to be a bit more complicated than that. Can't you just see them receiving a note the way corporations send out when they're firing people that they're heartbroken but they are just wonderful people and they just had to do this and so on. But anyways, these notes are going to have to be a bit more sophisticated because the way things are going to be working out, it's not only that are these people's services are no longer needed, but that their lives are not only no longer necessary, but their lives, their presence on this planet, is on an obstacle to survival of the whole system. So we call it the great global downsizing to put in the spirit of the modern corporate world.


So democracy, human rights, these things will be swept aside as a much more ruthless group of people come to power. Now as things evolve, another issue is going to reemerge that has been taboo since World War II and since the defeat of Nazi Germany, and that is the biotechnology revolution and the manipulation of the human genome the human genetic code. Now in Nazi Germany, there was an effort, there was an effort on a number of different levels for the structure of the human species. In the SS and in the structure of the Nazi state there was an effort to breed a kind of super race - breed a superior form of people and so on. Now this had to be done in a very laborious manner according to their rather narrow theories in terms of studying genealogical tables going back to the 17th century and their definition of what they thought race was in restricting things to people who look this way or that way. Scientific research now shows that this was very primitive and a lot of it very ill-conceived.

In the 21st century you're talking about genetic manipulation on a scale that would make the SS, Himmler and Hitler look like just positive amateurs. It will be possible to clone dead human beings. More so, it will be possible to manipulate the genetic code itself to breed a super being or a collection of superfreaks, let's face it, there will probably be some miscues in terms of getting this right, maybe a lot of miscues, but that's going to be happening and as order collapses and a more ruthless world emerges that's undoubtedly going to be tried.What country would not want to have the creation of hyper intelligent people, what nation would not want to breed a collection of super warriors, if only for military point of view? I can already hear this, "we've got to do it because of national security" so on and so forth, so that's also going to be coming.

Getting back to Nazi Germany by the way and the previous discussion we had about euthanasia, it was in Nazi Germany that you have the T4 program, which was an effort to revive the Spartan program of ancient Sparta for the elimination of birth defects and so on and so forth and that was quite openly discussed at the Nuremberg rallies and other places.

So all this is going to be a more ruthless world and this is something that's going to have to be considered as we return to a more stable environmental state with a huge human death toll in the process. This is the end of this lecture


AUDIO  Al's Version   Jessica's Version   

Incorporated in Jessica's version of NPR (click here to see section)



The figure of reform is the figure of 'the Emperor.' Our goal is to reach that Emperor. The material on our website is to help direct this person who will come to power. Somewhere out there is the person who will become this future world leader. They are alive today, and it is our goal to find them. That is the central point of what we do.

What is important for us is to try and imagine what this person will be like and what they will do. We predict they will be a figure who comes from outside of the mainstream, with ideas from the radical right or left, but most likely the radical left. Yet this person will also have tremendous support from the people (possibly populist support).

So this person will also build a platform by addressing legitimate grievances. The likelihood that this person will be some kind of anti-Semite like Hitler is highly unlikely, since such an idea is highly unpopular in today's world. They will likely represent the positive ideas of the time. They will be a very charismatic and dynamic person with a dream and a vision - and the perseverance to achieve this vision. So this is the person we're trying to reach.

When systems fail revolutions occur. It's an age old fact of history. American imperialism tries to claim that it's above the laws of history. It's not and it will be dealt with and dealt with severely.

You cannot lead and you cannot inspire people on a deeper level if you don't believe in what you're doing. So the Emperor will be a person who believes in what they're doing and they will communicate that sincerity to the public. They will motivate and inspire the public on a deep level.


The great paradox of our time is that the structure of the modern totalitarian state is being built by the western democracies themselves. Barack Obama is a significant figure in all this who has accelerated on a rapid basis the movement towards totalitarianism set up by his predecessor George Bush. Obama, as exposed in the Snowden revelations, has set up a system of monitoring average citizens that really would make Stalin's Russia look like a paradise of civil liberties, and it's very important to understand that the initial phases of this road to totalitarianism will not be sold as totalitarianism. No, it will be sold as freedom. It will be sold as protecting freedom. In other words, democracy will be destroyed by those claiming to save it.



Part of NPR where this could be more incorporated

A discussion of today's geopolitical situation and how the emperor would fit into this.



Now looking back first for example at past totalitarian governments, communism had a key critical fault, which is its dependence on atheism, that's a really fatal flaw. The new totalitarian movements will have a very powerful spiritual dimension. They will claim as did the Emperor's of old to be a mandate of God - a mandate of heaven, and you should look to see revolutionary developments in the world of religion.


Christianity is in its death throes. It's very important to understand the dominance of Christianity in our times is a short term phenomena. This is not some age-old traditional values. So in the first-place, Christianity itself has gone through so many changes, what tradition is and is not as is really kind of a joke, but the dominance of Christianity is connected to a very short-term dominance of European imperialism, and this is a very short term phenomena

So the whole idea that Christianity is the be-all and end-all is absurd. Now as European imperialism has receded, Christianity has receded and the criminal and stupid acts of America are further destroying faith in Christianity as well as the lunatic behavior of a good part of the American religious leaders, particularly the evangelical religious leaders.


So this is a movement in sharp decline and a movement that probably is in the process of self-destruction. The big question is what comes next, and that's very unclear. What is clear in the third world is the rise of Islam and that in spite of the malevolent nature of Sunni Islam today, dominated by Saudi Arabia, that looks like a fairly stable long-term trend.

The unknown in Islam is whether the malevolent nature of the Wahhabi extreme sect in Saudi Arabia can be superseded. That's not clear. It's certainly a major problem for Islam. As for Shiite Islam the connection to the extreme government in Iran is also a problem. So Islam has some major problems, but the basic structure of Islam is stronger than the basic structure of Christianity and always has been really because it lacks the massive internal theological contradictions of Christianity. So that's likely to remain.


However in looking at all this evolves is that you're likely to see the emergence of new religions or possibly the reemergence of pre-Christian religions. The problem with that is the records of pre-Christian religions were largely destroyed by the Christians in the most thorough destruction of religious texts in the world and a lot of their traditions also were in the oral tradition, they were not written down. So this is this is all very unclear and very fluid.


What is not unclear - what is very clear is the need to get back to harmony with nature. Now to further elaborate the nature of the coming Caesar's, you have to realize that violent times produce violent people.

We were recently watching a series of documentaries on dictators produced by an American company and of course it was self-righteous silly thing denouncing the dictators every five minutes and so on. What the idiots who produce this did not understand is that violent times require violent people. There's nothing that could be worse in a crisis than the Western hypocritical human rights idiots and people like that. Those people are 'A' liars, 'B' very counterproductive because in order to get back to nature, you're going to have to crush people who oppose going back to nature. As we mentioned, you're talking about probably a death toll equal to that of the Black death or the Mongol invasion of China or the Thirty Years War, which is about 30% at least and so there's going to be a lot of people who just aren't going to be around, and that's going to require very violent people, because people are going to fight back. Particularly in America you have so many lunatic ideas that there's going to be a lot of violence and just simply sorting the whole situation out.

America's a particularly sorry situation because you have this incompetent and corrupt liberal establishment that came to power in 1933, which dominates the education system vis-à-vis a lot of very deranged people in religion and so on and so forth on the on the political right. So this is sort of Temple of doom that may or may not be soluble.


Geographically we still look at Europe, we still look at Europe, we still look at the evolution of the EU. In a crisis, what is likely to happen is what has happened in other situations, such as the unification of Germany in the 19th century, or the unification of Italy in the 19th century, is that military force will probably be used ultimately to create unity. The EU in its current form is a decentralized mess. However Europe is going to have to unite to become an economic superpower.


The real wildcard is the role of Russia in Europe and the theories of people such as Alexander Dugan about a Eurasian superpower. We don't know how that could sort out but the idea is extremely intriguing. Looking further around the world, looking at China, China is in many ways a vision of the future in terms of the totalitarian structure of the government, China's is just an environmental time bomb waiting to go off and we would predict the government would probably remain in power but this could be a huge death toll as they sort out the results of their policies.


India another big death toll. How that sorts out is not clear, particularly if this is a death toll in Pakistan. Both India and Pakistan are pumping out their aquifers. Translate a wholesale collapse in agriculture is likely to be coming and we would rate the odds of the use of nuclear weapons between India and Pakistan as very high.



Part of NPR Where this could be more incorporated

More discussion on visualizing the coming Caesar.




Now when we think about the coming Caesar's we need to think a little bit more detailed in terms of geography here. Alright, it's great to talk about Caesars. Caesar's where? You already have an authoritarian sort of world order emerging in Russia and China. We feel that's likely to accelerate. The key point is the emergence of the Caesar's in America and Europe. Now America, I have to confess I still don't see a happy ending to that. Now I see some kind of breakup coming to America, and I agree that that can't be documented and proven directly, but that's just my feeling. I feel the main place to follow is Europe. You need to understand Germany and you need to understand the structure of German unification, the concept of United Europe came from Germany. You won't hear a lot of talk about this from the people in the EU, but the vision for the EU was Hitler's vision, so they don't probably want to be associated with that for understandable reasons, but that's where it came from of a United Europe, particularly as a counterweight to American economic power.


Now the evolution of the EU is similar (nothing's 100% the same), but it's similar to the evolution of Germany, of German unification, with the Zollverein, the customs union in the 19th century, and that set a lot of good things in motion for Germany. However German unification was not created without a fight. Bismarck had to fight three wars to unify Germany and Bismarck also ran roughshod and openly really repudiated the whole concept of democracy, even though Germany was a democracy, Bismarck put forth an ideological vision that was totally contrary to everything that America claims to believe in. Underline the word "claims to believe in," because America throughout history is really a giant fraud, it's based on genocide, slavery so on and pretends to be a democracy. Today you have a sort of de facto plutocracy and you might say America's always been somewhat of a plutocracy that pretends to be a democracy, but anyway, getting back to Germany in the 19th century in Europe today.


The upshot of the Greek mess, and we at this point can predict the exact outcome, but while we can't predict the exact outcome, we can predict the political outcome of that, which is to discredit the ruling class of politicians in Europe. Yes it does. It shatters public confidence in them, and this could get a lot worse when the whole debt hyper bubble starts to explode all across the world. So Europe will become a lot more united and it's very likely that that's not to be a peaceful process, and how that plays out we don't know. But we still see the idea of a charismatic leader coming to power in Europe. Yes, now in thinking this thing through further you got to look at the different power structures around the world: Europe, America, Russia, China, India and then the more complex situation in places like Africa and Latin America and the Middle East.


SEX REVOLUTION (Al) (Listen on Test Web)



The subject that we're going to discuss today is the global sexual revolution. The great paradox of today's society is the huge manipulation of people's sexual desires for financial gain by the largest corporations in the most respected business leaders in the world, while any explicit in intellectual discussion of sexuality is basically illegal in the media. It is legal to show the most gruesome and violent acts, but it is illegal to show explicit sexual acts. So what we have used the manipulation of sexuality by the financial elite and the suppression of any intellectual discussion of sexuality.


Now how did we get into this position? You cannot understand where we or in society in relation to matters such as sexuality if you don't understand the history of Western society. In 395 ED one of the greatest disasters in the history of the world took place. An obscure cult called Christianity seized control of the Roman Empire. They had been struggling to seize control for quite a while and since Constantine legalized them, they had been struggling to seize control of the Roman Empire in 394 via the lunatic, the Emperor Theodosius. The second they achieved their goal what happened was the fall of Rome and the greatest religious reign of terror in the history of the world. The Roman Empire was a relatively tolerant place. But that ended in 395. All other religions and the followers of all other religions were massacred. Temples of other religions were destroyed. Libraries containing priceless works of intellectual thought were burned to the
ground. It was a scene out of hell.

And these people achieved a stranglehold over Western society right up until the 18th century. And there their tactics of totalitarian repression were one of the things that caused people such as Thomas Jefferson to take a very skeptical view of religion in the writing of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and other matters.

But getting back to what happened in 395, there was a total system of totalitarian
religious terror released due to self contradictions in the Bible. It also led to a bloody Civil War inside the church itself and plenty of persecutions of other Christians.

On an important a side note that should be kept in mind, the Christians were never really persecuted under the Roman Empire. That's a pack of lies. Other than the persecution of Diocletian, there was no persecution of Christians.

The results of the catastrophic decision in 395 were not long in coming. In 410 a Christian, German General Alaric sacked Rome. And in 455 another Christian German general sacked Rome again. These were cataclysmic events which had never occurred before, and fairly shortly, the entire Western Roman Empire just completely collapsed into chaos. The scale of disaster could be seen in that the population of
Rome under pagan rule was around one million. But under the Christian carnage was unleashed, it dropped to about 50,000. So all of this was really a cataclysmic disaster.

Then, and now, a lot of the deranged Christian ideas have led to a huge degree of decline in public health and the spread of epidemics because the Christians felt bathing was immoral because people were nude in the pool. So they took care of preventing that from happening, leading to a huge decline in sanitation, and that is just tip the iceberg.

Now in the seventh century, the majority of Christians in the world had basically had it with this nonsense and they converted to Islam. So over half the Christians in the world basically said sayonara to Jesus and joined Islam. And contrary to the myths in the West, Islam in the Middle Ages was relatively tolerant. Classical Islam was a relatively tolerant religion that didn't have the persecutions and the endless witch trials that Christianity had.

That's one of the biggest reasons people left Christianity. So this was not a good scene. However this religion Christianity has had a stranglehold over the West for a long period of time. Now starting in the 15th and 16th centuries, this religion launched a bloody campaign. First in the New World and then all across other parts of the world, the so-called New World, in the Americas this led to what was the largest campaign of genocide in world history and the largest campaign of slavery, and the justifications for genocide, and the justifications for slavery came directly from the Bible, as we pointed out in our pages on Christianity and slavery, and the endless impact of the owners role racism in Western white Christian Patriarchy.


Now in the 1960s the whole sexual structure of America basically kind of collapsed because the lunatic world of evangelism was just not working, and you had an explosion of sexuality, you had an explosion that drugs, the so-called counterculture and all that. This was net a positive force because it raise people's consciousness and we see there is a direct connection between the sexual revolution and the rise of the environmental movement. But it was also kind of a disaster in so far as that this was taking place in the context of a society that denied sexuality, banned drugs, and so on and so forth. So you had people having promiscuous sex with no idea of what they were doing and no intelligent sex education etc. etc. etc. So this was very predicable - an explosion of teenage pregnancy, venereal disease, other problems, dysfunctional relationships and so there was an ugly side to the sexual revolution of the 1960s.


Now on getting back to the sexual revolution in America, as the 60s - in the 60s there was also a trend towards gay liberation, but the 60s were not very good for gay liberation because the 60s pushed everybody's sex life almost public particularly for young people. For a lot of gay men people were like well why don't you have a girlfriend, so a lot of gay men committed suicide in the 1960s. And also when you make sexuality the ultimate goal in life, that creates a new hierarchy, a new set of winners and losers, and that has a not very happy result. But throughout this whole mess the there was a rising tide of gay liberation which we think is very significant because we see a rebellion against the white Christian patriarchy as healthy and getting people back in touch with their natural feelings and so on and a basically positive development.

So what we've had is an evolution of gay liberation, which is very significant and has actually been quite successful going up to the present time. Now another issue that we have to discuss in terms of sexuality in Americas - again due to the sexual repression it's not discussed, but is the rise of the porn movement. Now with the advent of the Internet - in the 1960s the Supreme Court case prevented porn from continually being banned, so that ended and with the rise of the 60s culture and 70s culture there was much more explicit sexuality in music and in art and film and so when we  regard that also as healthy. As a healthy, positive development in spite of all the exploitation and so on. A net positive.


But what people don't discuss today which is truly revolutionary is that hard­core pornography is virtually omnipresent and it's a virtually history making change in the history of sexuality in this country. So that previously in order to read porn at a minimum you had go to a bookstore and get a porn magazine like Penthouse, or whatever it is, to make some kind of effort or to get hard­core pornography and go to some obscure store in a shady part of town and deal with shady people. A big contrast we might say to Germany where sex stores are in shopping malls that are brightly lit, attractive, etc. So anyway, but today you have wild hard core pornography which is virtually omnipresent and very significant because many people today are assuming that pornography equals sexuality, and it does not. And this we see as a net plus, but it is very dangerous because people assume that the sexuality they see in porn is real and then wonder how come their life isn't like the hyper-sexuality they see and so on.

So sexuality is like a hunger, it's a desire and if people feel their desires are not being satisfied in the real world they become even more discontented than they might otherwise be.


To sum this thing up, where are we going in terms of sexuality in America? We see this taking place against a total societal collapse behind the scenes of the environment and the economy. So you are going to have the world return to a more natural state, but it will not do that in a very nice way. No it will not. You will have a very violent world struggle between the haves and have-nots. There is to be a great deal of killing and death as various factions fight among themselves for what's left over after the plutocracy collapses and in sexuality it's like having a spring bend back and come flying back forward. It's going to be a wild and kind of crazy time on and this is going to lead to a great deal of turmoil. You should see it as the birth pangs of a new age, and these can be very blurry and very painful birth pangs as people move back to a world where sexuality is not repressed and it is seen as a positive powerful natural force. And our role is to try to be constructive and put this in a healthy positive perspective, supporting things such as explicit sex education and other important matters so people understand what's going on and so on. But it would be very foolish to think that the title wave of chaos that is coming can be controlled beyond a certain point. This is going to be a tumultuous return to a natural world. But a natural world will be coming and it will be very different from the world we have. It's going to be a buddy road. But nature remains. Time remains the same. The world will be coming back to a natural state.


ECONOMY (Click to listen to audio here)

A great lecture about today's debt crisis. I think this should either be turned into a page or put onto the WFF audio index.




In sick societies problems are solved by debt. Now debt itself is not an evil, debt used for investment is very important, a necessary tool for progress. However in sick societies, debt is used to pay for consumption. It's used to pay for things for which the money has not been produced. In history there are long-term debt super cycles. A major debt super cycle began in America in 1981. Prior to 1981 and going forward from the period of the first World War, America was the greatest creditor in the world. Even as late as World War II, America was the world's leading oil exporter. Now things had changed quite drastically already by 1980: the rise of OPEC, the rise in the price of oil and the decline of America's ability to satisfy its own demands for oil. So that by the early 1970's, America was the world's largest oil importer, and at the same time, the nations of Europe and the nation Japan had recovered economically from World War II, and America's low levels of investment did not enable America to compete adequately against them. Thus it is not an accident that real wages in the United States peaked in 1973, the year of the Arab oil embargo, and today they are back to where they were in the 1960's. So the American dream per se died in 1973. The American political establishment and business establishment obviously does not want to accept that fact because their legitimacy is based on claiming the American dream is alive and well etc. etc. etc. But these are basically the statements of a failed system.


Now getting back to 1981, a very important event happened, which was that Reagan completely screwed up the government finances by having huge consumption oriented tax cuts and an enormous increase in military spending, neither of which were paid for. The fairytales about the tax cuts were that they would somehow magically generate economic growth that would lead to surpluses. This was complete rubbish. Not that investment oriented tax cuts are bad. We favor abolishing the capital gains tax rate. We favor abolishing the estate tax. And the top tax rates were too high at the time of Reagan, so not everything he did was bad. But he failed to really put in incentives for investments particularly in eliminating the capital gains and estate taxes.

So what Reagan did was create consumption oriented tax cuts and huge levels of debt. Now at the same time, while Reagan was not as bad as Clinton, Reagan completely failed to deal with a declining trade situation. So the trade deficit began to explode and the balance of payments deficit began to explode, so that by the end of the 1980's, America had become the world's largest debtor, after being the world's largest creditor at the beginning of the 1980's. Now in fairness to Reagan, Reagan did put through some trade policies such as devaluing the dollar and the restrictions on Japanese car imports that did help - so that by around 1990 or so the trade deficit had come down sharply. However with the arrival of Clinton in office you had a series of trade deals that were just flat out catastrophic and the Clinton so-called boom papered over a huge decline in America's economic health internationally.

Now going back a ways here, in 1986 Reagan passed one of the most scatterbrained pieces of legislation ever seen, which is the 1986 Local Tax Reform Act, which eliminated a lot of incentives for investment, went precisely in the wrong direction and cut more taxes on consumption. So all this was a very toxic combination and the huge decline in America's international position in the 1990's could be directly traced to a lot of the scatterbrained aspects of the 1986 tax bill. So all this was not a very happy situation.


So why hasn't there been a backbreaking crisis like the 1930's or the 1840's in America? The answer is debt. Because debt is related to the psychology of your creditors and the world has been willing to buy huge amounts of paper from America to paper things over. Now obviously there has been a series of crises since the year 2000, and these have been dealt with by just printing more money such as the Greenspan paper money printing and the huge increase in paper money expansion to paper over the results of the collapse of 2008. The 2008 situation was compounded by levels of regulatory irresponsibility in the United States that could only be considered breathtaking from the total failure to regulate the real estate market and the lunatic Bear Stearns rule put through at the insistence of people such as Sec. Paulson (who was then head of Goldman Sachs) that threw away any kind of leverage control over the financial industry on the grounds that - hey it was named after Bear Stearns and Bear Stearns was so solid they couldn't possibly go bankrupt. Well of course Bear Stearns did go into to a prepackaged bankruptcy which showed the whole absurdity of that, but since 2008 the major central banks have been just printing, printing, printing, printing to plug holes in the whole situation. This is not a really viable solution. It's not.

Meanwhile the middle class in America continues to be in a state of crisis. Indeed most of the artificial stimulation (particularly under Obama and Bernanke) has gone to the upper classes. Let's look at this. How many ordinary people can take out a 0.1% loan from the Federal Reserve Board? Well, not too many. Indeed interest rates for ordinary people out there who are in trouble have to a large extent gone up because of their reliance on credit card debt. So ordinary people are borrowing money at 25%, while the superrich are borrowing money at 0.1%. Obviously this is not a very viable situation.


THE REAL SUPER PREDATORS (Audio on Al's test site)

A comparison of Hillary's definition of super predators, young black men, with the real, middle aged white super predators who are destroying the planet.





Now one of the claims that Mrs. Clinton made back in the 90s when she supported her husband's draconian policies on drugs and mass incarceration was that she claimed these policies had to be implemented because young black men were super predators. Now she did not say that all black men were super predators, but she said there were a lot of young black men who were "super predators" and Mrs. Clinton felt this was a national security issue and that these people needed to be stopped. The end result was a wave of mass incarceration, which has now produced America having a larger number of black men in jail or on probation than were employed by the slave trade before the Civil War, and that's really a rather troubling situation.

But let's look at Mrs. Clinton's point of view. Maybe this was necessary? Maybe they were really preying upon people? Maybe that was what we needed to do?

This is sheer nonsense.


Now Mrs. Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton are from the South and they understood very well by using terms such as such as "super predator" for young black men that it was a blatantly racist statement, and it was a blatant attempt to play the race card to generate white support. And that was what this really was all about.


We need to step back and look at the real super predators on our planet. Now there are super predators out there who are some young black men who are super predators. There's no question about that. Just as there are some young white men who are super predators. Just like there is some middle­aged white men who are sexual predators. Middle­aged white men who are sexual predators in this country such as Mrs. Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton. So this is a woman who was married to a sexual predator, and maybe she could say she got a lot of expertise in the analysis of human predators to back up her point of view.


But the reality matter is this is just a political fraud and a political sham. To get back to the main issue, we do have super predators on the loose in this country. They have nothing to do with young black men. We're in the midst of the largest destruction of human life and what ultimately will be the largest destruction of human life on this planet. We are in the middle of the largest wave of extinction since the Permian extinction, 250 million years ago. How is this happening? Is this disorder mysteriously happening?

It is not mysteriously happening. There are political and economic forces in this country that are basically destroying the biological foundations of life for short­term profit. There are giant multinational corporations. There is the neofascist government in China. There are big ringleaders who are behind what's going on. So these are predators that we need to keep an eye on.


Now there is another form of super predator on the loose on our planet today and that's the ideology of American. What's very important is to understand that the so­called "liberal establishment," particularly as represented by Hillary Clinton and Obama, is very much a part of the structure of American imperialism. In 2003, using justifications that turned out to be completely fraudulent, US President George Bush launched an unprovoked attack against the nation of Iraq. This unprovoked attack -  Mr. Bush assured his citizens would only cost 64 billion. The total cost now is about 3 trillion. The long­term cost and growing are 1 million Iraqi civilians. This is a result of the American invasion.

One previous million had been murdered by sanctions, which Mr. Clinton kept on when he was president. The state of Iraq is in complete shambles today. Millions of people have had their lives ruined. This is an example of a super predator in action.

When people elected Obama, they thought things were going to be different. They were wrong. Obama and the establishment liberals, a little like Mrs. Clinton have an ideology of imperialism of "We know best," and re­imperialism, and really a form of geopolitical fascism was repackaged as "humanitarian intervention." A warm and fuzzy imperialism.